“My name is Clark Eileen Atkinson and I am a champion!!”

…Is the affirmation my mom used to make me yell out loud as a little kid in an exercise for my self-confidence. What she didn’t expect, is that it would work so well, I decided my path in life is to act!

A New Englander, originally from Connecticut and Currently based in Pittsburgh and NYC, I received my BFA in Acting at Point Park University.

As a creator, collaborator, and innovator, who experiences life in a queer, multi-racial body, since birth, I have understood what it means to embody opposing identities. I was raised by my Manhattanite father, whose ancestry has been in this country since before it was one, and my Jamaican-Barbadian mother, who immigrated to the USA at seventeen.

Having been gifted with multiperspectivity, I feel am responsible for putting art into the world that highlights understanding between all walks of life, and cross-cultural identities.